Okayyyy, I'm sorry I haven't posted it so long!! But I have some time right now, so I thought I would again. I'll try to update it more reguarly again!!
So today is Heiligabend ("Holy Evening" = Christmas Eve), and in Germany they celebrate Christmas on Heligabend, and not on Weihnachten (Christmas). I only have one gift left to "wrap" sort of. Which is good. Tree's decorated (but not without a bit of stress, haha), cakes are baked, all is good.
Lets see.. the past month? Good. Hoffentlich.
Okay, so Christmas in Germany is basically amazing. I have just started missing little things

like Eggnog, decorating the Baum as a family, and christmas movies, but Christmas in Germany is totally worth it! The best and most obvious part are Christmas markets. They are so much fun. The Glühwein is amazing. It's hot wine, possibly called Mulled Wine in englisch? not sure. It has like christmas-y spices in it too. And there are all these little stands selling christmas-y or homemade things. It's rather lovely. And good food too. OH. And I went to one in Esslingen, which was a middle ages one! It was sooooo cool! And it had some of the best food ever. Unfortunately I didn't bring my camera, or take any pictures, sorry. I tend to be awful at taking pictures while doing something, I like to enjoy the moment.
Thanks to Mom, Aunt Beth, Grammy, Aunt Tena, and Dad for the christmas presents too! I like them very much and I lovee getting mail!

School is going good, I can actually understand things in the Unterricht now. What's Unterricht in english? I dunno, I'd say class maybe? Not sure, sometimes I just forget words, sorry. I've gotten like three? maybe tests back that were graded so far. An 1- in englisch (A-), 3 in Biologie
(C, except getting a C seems like a much better thing in germany as in america, even for the
germans), a 3+ in Mathe (C+, it was my first test and about half of it was word problems I couldn't read. I'm quite good in Mathe jetzt, and I think I might be able to get a 1 on the next test. I explain math to some people in my class anyways. in german!) and a 5+ in Chemie (some sort of F I would say. not good. but there were 5 aufgabe, and I didn't understand the class for 4 of them, only the last one, but I got almost everything right on that part... the reason why I didn't get a 6). I'm perfectly happy with these grades.
Yesterday we went to the movies and saw "Zwei Ohr Küken" (Two Ear Chick). And I UNDERSTOOD THE WHOLE MOVIE!!!!!!! Das hatte mich sooooo viel gefreut! But I hadn't seen the first one, "Kein Ohr Hasse" (No Ear Rabbit), so I think I'll have to watch that sometime. It wasn't the best movie, just an average funny chick flick, but I understood it! :D
Okay, so that's all for now, bis später!