Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Reach for the Stars, Climb Every Mountain...

I've finally returned from camp. It was an awesome two weeks, at my favorite place on earth, Camp Farnsworth. Now that I'm home I'm already campsick, but hopefully that will pass soon because of my need to get ready for Germany! 

It's hard to summarize all the stuff we did in those two weeks (partly because my memory is awful). We did some not so fun cookouts, I was UL (Unit Leader) for the day - very stressful at times, taught surface dives, hung out with my shadow group - Tack & Trail (who were amazing!), visited another camp, went to a playground, rummaged at the Thetford Fair, volunteered at the Dragon Boat Festival in Burlington, ate amazing
vegetarian food (plus the best grilled cheese ever), ATE A VERMONSTER, had henna tattoos, went to a waterfall, did our hair in numerous ponytails for camp birthday, silk screened T-shirts, wrote and fulfilled goals, tie dyed, played lots of games, sat in the woods by ourselves, LBDs in my underwear with waterfront and AD staff, sang heartwarming songs (especially singing with Edge), innumerable inside jokes, and made some amazing friends. Oh, and lots and lots of friendship bracelets. And that doesn't even begin to cover it all.

H'okay so. Here are some pictures:

Fun birthday celebrations

Tack & Trail, my shadow unit <3

Closing Campfire (or pads on fire on a stick)

Clearing (except not really) the High Trail

Henna tattoos!

Before & After

Hopefully I'll be able to return next summer! Oh, and I leave for Germany in less than a month!


La CanciĆ³n: Fireflies by Lori McKenna (Maybe its more well known done by Faith Hill but she does it a bit differently, though I couldn't find the one I wanted on youtube). It was the staff song this summer.