Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ich will Frühling!

Ich bin verliebt in der Frühling!

Yes, very true.

Ich bin verliebt in der Frühling!

And I bet you are too!

Well, so last Donnerstag, Freitag, and Samstag were beautiful! Well, not super super beautiful, but it was warm, the sun was shining, and I could feel spring in the air! Now I'm hooked, it's like a drug. I NEED spring now! It's back to being cold-ish (cold for Germany, but I know all you guys back home wouldn't be wearing a jacket). But the birds are still singing, so I haven't given up hope! I wrote this poem on Friday because I was so excited/wanting spring:

Die Vögel singen voller Freude
Und ich will nicht in ein Gebäude

Alles grün und alles froh
Nichts mehr von dem alten Stroh

Der Welt scheint mit neuem Leben
Jeder will Umarmung geben

Der Winterzauber wird verwehen
Und Frühling wird nie wieder gehen

I wish we could just have spring weather all year round! Das wäre supi! So anyways, later I'm going to go to the February AFS Stammtisch, and it's Faschings themed. Faschings is sorta kinda like Halloween and Mardi Gras? Keinen Ahnung, but everyone dresses up and parties, thats it. I'm going as a mexican pirate (well, I was just going to be a pirate, but then i found this AWESOME sombrero, which I have taken to occansionly wearing). Friday is Halbzeit! (half time) Five months in Germany! We're (the other exchange students and I) having a little party in Heidenheim to celebrate it. Just hanging out, playing some games, listening to musik, and eating a little. Nice relaxed, just to celebrate it together. And then next week we have Faschingsferien! :D We're going skiing for three days! Yay! And some Faschings stuff on the weekend/monday/donnerstag too maybe? Then the next week mid-stay camp. whooo. In Bad Honnef. Was gibt es da? Ich weiß nicht, aber ich werde überhaupt nichts raten. Well, another week without school! I'll only have to go that monday. But it's like a five hour train ride... not so much fun, maybe I'll knit. And I have to (yes, I have to, I don't want to) do a talent for the talent show then, and I have no idea what to do.

Well, that's all, now I have to decide if I want to read my book (Harry Potter und die Kammer des Schreckens), write nonsensical poetry, knit, or go jogging. And it snowed last night, meh.



P.S. I want to learn chinese now. And spanish I'll learn first of course. But not french, I'm learning it a bit now, but I think after this year I'll be done with it, it's not my favorite language. And Eva/Yiwen says that I can say the chinese words quite well, I get the right pronounciation on the first try. Ta ta for now!


Anonymous said...

need some new blog entries