Also. Ahhh, ich will auf deutsch schreiben! (Ahhh, I want to write in geramn!) So yesterday, as many of you who are reading probably well know, was my birthday. All I can say was it was the best birthday I've ever spent in school! (You know, seeing how I've only been to school one other time on my birthday (8th grade) and while that was good too, I just felt yesterday was different.)
So it started out in the morning when I came downstairs and Sabine says, "hey, Geburtstagskind!" and everyone gives me a hug and wishes me "Alles Gute zum Geburstag" (Happy Birthday). I got to open my present before breakfast, and from my parents I got a Spätzle maker (German/Schwabisch pasta like things that I loveeeee!), and a small "vierfruchte" bottle of schnapps. Eva, Niki, and Christoph gave me a school sweatshirt, but they haven't come in yet.
We walk to the train station, and Anja and Carol wish me happy birthday on the way. The train to school, walk to school, blah, blah, blah, normal. So I walk in and go to my place like normal and then it starts with Annika wishing me happy birthday, and then I'm suddenly ambushed by everyone already there. All the girls give me hugs, and the boys a firm handshake. Lara, Sarah, and Sophia get there, and wish me a happy birthday too. Lara gave me a picture frame with a photo of us four in it that someone took on their cell phone way back in September or October. Annika gets their and she and Kimberly wish me a happy birthday and gave me their present (Lip gloss and jelly beans). Then Tami brought in a cake lit with sparklers! I was so suprised and happy! I got a couple of little present from a couple of people, and the day went about as normal, but I was in such a good mood it was amazing!
My teachers even wished me happy birthday (well except for my history & english teachers, who I don't I like anyways). First was my math teacher (math is my second class, after history), who gave me a handshake. Then my History teacher came over to my desk and picked up my flowers (roses from Verena :D) and said (in english), "flowers. beautiful flowers." I know, he's weird. So then we had gym and in the middle of warming up (running) she jumps in front of me and says "stopp!" and then wishes me a happy birthday. And in french (and I have noooo idea how she even knew it was my birthday) she suddenly starts speaking to me in french and I get this confused-what-am-I-supposed-to-do face, and Sarah translates for me: "french, french, french" "she says happy birthday" "thank you" "french french french" "how old are you now?" "seventeen" "french french french" "oh you speak german" "yes" "french french french". Exactly.
Then I go home, and play the harmonica badly for a little bit. And then I skype Elyse (:D), which was nice. Then people start showing up for coffee and cake (aka my whole big host family). That last until late. All in all it was a really good day.
Other news? I can now play You Are my Sunshine from memory on the harmonica.
December Highlights: So This Is Christmas
9 years ago
em, I miss you :(
sounded like a great time! You're friends sound awesome, keep writing, kathie
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