Monday, June 22, 2009

Petey the Puffy Poodle

My neighbor's cat, Petey, has recently been shaved. Again. Petey is convinced that he is part of my family and lives on our porch. He tries to jump into our house at any possible chance and almost came to Bar Harbor with us once. Every year, starting two or three years ago, she shaves him - mostly. And he ends up looking like a poodle. Which is better for him in the long run probably, because it gets rid of the huge mats in his hair, and makes him cooler for summer, but he looks ridiculous. Even Petey notices, he kind of slinks around right after it happens and tries to hide like he's embarrassed. But he's still a sweetie anyways. Petey the Puffy Poodle, now that could be one of those alliterations, like "Peter Piper" or "Fuzzy Wuzzy". But the best one I know is in spanish: "Pepe Pecas pica papas con un pico con un pico pica papas Pepe Pecas". We translated it and it went something like this: "Pepe Freckles picks potatos with a stabbing thing with a stabbing thing picks potatos Pepe Freckles". ;)

Now for other recent adventures:
  • I have developed a new love of bullets! So I'll use them quite frequently now, but this probably won't last for long.
  • Alison wanted her hair dyed red again, so I put highlights in for her :) And, though I am not the best at this, I wouldn't say it looks bad at all.
  • As I was walking down the street with Rocco, a car drives by. It starts barking at us and all I see is an old man with his mouth open. I thought he was barking at us and gave him a strange look. Turns out there was a dog in the backseat barking at us, and it was not in fact the old man.
  • I have been attacked by dragonflies. I was walking up to the pinnacle, and then out of nowhere these two dragonflies come straight for me, one from each side in military fashion. It was like they planned the whole thing out!
  • There is a snapping turtle next to you.
  • My diet for the last few days has consisted of mostly eggplant.
  • Singing is good.
  • I tried a new thing today: Spicy Thai flavored chips. And when they said spicy they meant it!
  • I'm trying to decide if I want to put a song at the end of each of my posts. Sort of like a "Song of the Day" or "Song of the Week" type thing, except more like a "Song of the Post" thing. I'll start it and then see what happens.
  • It is not a crime to comment on my blog, I promise! If you are reading this feel completely free to comment, it will make me actually know if its being read. (and you don't have to have a blogger account to comment) Thanks!
Song of the Post (or maybe a better name suggestion?): Blister in the Sun by the Violent Femmes. I just heard of them today, and I quite enjoy it. :D

Sorry for the absurd longness of this post!


Dorothy said...

simply beautiful. i also have a random cat similar to that, although it has white hair and likes to stare into our screen window. Post Song? ha ha you should listen to anything by Zee Avi, or Danielle at the sandwich. Emily, keep me posted with your adventures, i can't wait to see Alison's hair! :D fresh garden eggplant or store bought eggplant? that's the question for today!

Pretzel said...

Just wanted to show that there are people reading your blog - even in Germany:) Wish you all the best, enjoy your stay! I'm alwys curious how your life'll be going in that cool country!
P.S. You should visit me and Tina in the West!

Alison said...

hahaha, i love this post, very much. poor petey :( and i must say, that picture is weird, very weird. but my hair looks more pinkish now! it's rather odd. and being afraid of a snapping turtle biting you is a perfectly reasonable fear! :D