The weather today was just lovely! I wish everyday was like this (minus the excessive amount of mosquitos). I took Rocco for a walk up to the pinnacle and it was gorgeous. I actually put bug spray on for the first time this year, and for some odd reason the bugs didn't bother me so much ;) Oh, and Anthony just got his first girlfriend! Sixth grade relationships are soo cute.

Yesterday I went up to Lebanon for driver's ed and Alison came with me to observe (which we need six hours of and is quite idiotic
to tell you the truth, what else have we been doing all our lives?). I drove on the interstate and up around Leb and West Leb, and then back on the interstate. On the way back, Alison fell asleep! Quite good observing I would say. But actually, that speaks pretty well of my driving! Only a few more hours of driving and observing and I'm free to try for my license, which I will hopefully have before camp starts. And contrary to what I had previously thought, I might be able to drive after I get my license, because the insurance company might require me to be on the insurance. And, unlike before, my mom said I would be able to get it anyways! So I might be able to
drive a bit this summer, we'll have to see.
Lately I've been feeling as if I'm purposeless, and that everything is ending. Which I know isn't true since I have camp in July and then GERMANY in August, but I guess my feelings can't figure that out. I keep thinking, oh this is my last so and so for over a year, this
is my last this or that for over a year, over and over so much. I'm quite horrible with endings and goodbyes. If you ever feel the need to see me cry, just go to closing campfire at camp, the probability is quite likely. One thing I truly do hate. Just like the song Who can sail without the wind? "I can sail without the wind, I can row without oars, but I can't part from a friend I love without shedding tears".
emily, i love your writing. :)
the fact that i feel asleep is most definitely a good sign :) a that picture of Rocco, is absolutely amazing, i LOVE it.
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