Monday, September 14, 2009

Emily in Deutschland?

Guess what? I'm in Germany! :D Today is my third day here, but second full day. Orientation was boring at times, but I made some awesome friends, so it was okay. The flight was soo long, 8 hours to be exact. I only slept two hours on the plane from the time I woke up on Friday the day we left at 7am, until really late on Saturday (actually, it was sunday morning), when I got back from the concert with Eva (I think it was around 1am). But that might have helped adjust me to this time, I don't know though, I took a three hour nap when I got home today. 

I arrived at Ulm around 18 (6, but I'm trying to get used to the european clock). My host familie thought that it was supposed to be an hour later, so I was picked up late, but I didn't mind, plus I got to chat with the AFS people (it was fun, they were 17 and just got back from a year in China). Saturday night I went to someone's birthday party (Raymond, maybe?), but didn't stay long und then Eva und I went with her friends to a concert here in town (it was a small local band, but it was still fun), und I met her friends. Oh, and they did they hoedown throwdown, haha!!! (Not the band, Eva und her friends). Everybody speaks lots of englisch here, more than I should want, I have to stop letting them speak englisch to me. 

On Sunday I woke up before Christoph und Eva, they slept late. Later I rode bikes with Eva, Lisa, und Louisa to see the horses, and then we came back home and hung out. Miaka, und Sina were there too. I played soccer with Niki (my host brother, he's 12), Lisa, und Louisa, and I lost both times, but it was really fun.

Today was my first day of Schule (school). I'm in class 10c1, so a grade lower than I would be in the US, but thats okay. I really like the people in it so far so its good. I met Lara, Sara, und Sophia today (and some other people, but I can't remember their names), and they were SUPER nice. Lara's best friend is in San Diego right now, so we thought that was funny. The only classes I had today were Englisch (YES!), Mathe (but they teacher only showed up for the last 20 minutes), und Musik (Musik, like music theory, but in Deutsch, yes!). Normally on mondays I would have Deutsch und latin (but I'm only having latin this week, then they are going to put me in a fifth grade german class during that time, ja!) in the morning, but not today, I think because it was the first day. Everyone else has religion after musik, but I don't because I'm not religious. Normally if you aren't protestant or catholic (and I've never been protestant, and I haven't been catholic for years), then you would take ethics, but there are only a few people in class 10 that are like that, so we just don't have class.

After school I went to where my host dad works, he's a butcher, and had something to eat, it might have been schnitzel? And I bought a handy (cell phone) today, the cheapest one (but no one in the USA can call it, its for Deutschland only). When I got home I slept for three hours. 

Odd Things:
  • Doors. The doors here are very weird, they don't go all the way into the door frame, I can't really explain.
  • Wasser (water), its ALL carbonated. Everything is carbonated! Today I finally had some tap water to drink, I couldn't take all the bubbles. 
  • Schule. its just SOOO different.
  • THERE IS SO MUCH ENGLISCH. TOO MUCH. The radio sounds like I'm in America!
Tomorrow I'll take the train to schule.
Sorry there are no pictures, some people from the orienatation have put some up on facebook if you want a peek at that.

La CanciĆ³n: I'll be there for you by The Remembrandts. I heard this coming from Christoph or Eva's room tonight, and I almost cracked up. 

PS. They all say my name with a really funny accent und its cute.


Mom said...

Thank you! I haven't read it yet, but will do so in a few minutes. I was just practicing my German. Did you know that: elf mal acht ist achtundachtzig? Of course I started with Math!

Anonymous said...

Great blog Emily... I'll have to start getting Jessica to teach me some German so that I can comment appropriately! Keep the posts coming. It's really great!

Lots of love, Aunt Beth