ICH LIEBE DEUTSCHLAND! So much happens here everyday it's hard to know where to start! Tuesday which was my second day here and I took the train to Schule mit (with) Eva. I actually understood things on tuesday, like that we talked about the Renaissance in BK (Art, not burger king or brooklyn), that we were learning about Händel in Musik, and I understood everything in mathe! (well, at least the mathe part, not the teacher talking part.) I think Mathe and Englisch will probably be my favorite subjects here, which is funny because they are my least favorite in Amerika. They use lots of ks in Deutsch instead of cs which is cool. I left school a class early on Tuesday because Eva was done then and I didn't know how to take the train home by myself yet. Later that Afternoon I played UNO mit Niki and that helped teach me my colors, but I can't pronouce Grün und Rot... believe me, its MUCH harder than it looks. Then we played battleship which helped me mit mein (my) alphabet und numbers. Then I biked to Hohemmingen with Eva und Sina to watch a fußeball (soccer) game that Luisa und Lisa were playing in. They won! We biked back on a bike path in the dark and I was really confusing because we started going the opposite way we came from!
Yesterday we played Badminton in Sport. I HATE BADMINTON. But it was okay because nobody was really good. I think we're either playing it for the next two weeks or the next two months. We had to walk to another Gymnasium (kind of Deutsch high school) for sport, so that was nice. In Musik we sang "California Dreamin" which was odd because it was in Englisch! Then we sang "Küssen Verboten" (which means something like Forbidden Kisses I think), but it was okay because I sang the ba dap dap part for most of the song, because I couldn't do it in Deutsch. School is really confusing, I keep running all over mit Lara (thank god I have her!), and I have no idea what's happening then. I TOOK THE TRAIN HOME ALL BY MYSELF! AND DIDN'T GET LOST!! :D But Sabine did pick me up from the train station, but I still had to find the way from der Schule to der Bahnhof (train station) and get on the right train. That night I went to the Musik club mit Eva, and played with them. I played REALLY badly because I haven't played in so long, and I'm not fantastic at sight reading as everyone knows (well, they didn't think I played so bad, but I do).
Today I didn't really understand much except for Englisch class, which was hilarious. They learn British Englisch, and I was doing a paper mit Lara, and we couldn't stop laughing. Und plus the fact that I can't spell very well makes it even funnier. I had French today, and I don't speak any french so that was odd. I took the train home by myself again, und found my way home by myself, though I did walk mit Miiaka because she got off at the same time as me. Tomorrow I start Deutsch classes (finally!). The teacher for them was on vacation when I got here, so that's why I haven't had them yet. But they're in Heidenheim, and most days wayyy after I get out of Schule, so I'm not sure what to do about that. (On Mondays I get out at 12:00, Tuesdays and Fridays at 1:30, and Wednesday and Thursday at 12:45.) I might do swimming here, Reinhard is going to ask his cousin about the times for it I think. Tomorrow I don't have a first class so I'm not sure what's happening then, I think I might have to go to School then anyways.
Oh, and the food here is really good!!
the weird doors. they don't go all the way into the frame!!
view from one side of my window
view from the other side of my window... und solar panels!
Mein... bed. :D
Mein .... Schtudentplan? (thats def spelled way wrong)

at the airport (stole this from Marios)

Roomies! (stole this from Tess)

Massage line at the airport (stole this from Matt)

Walking barefoot in front of the capitol (stole this from Marios)
Hallo Emily, ich liebe dich. - Anthony
i miss youuu, and i like your pictures ;)
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