Monday, October 19, 2009


It is definitely my favorite class here, even though I didn't understand much and we've only had one class. there was something to do with philosophie. and I translated a whole story from deutsch to englisch (which I didn't have to do and I bet anyone who finds out will be very surprised I did, seeing how much I care about the other subjects) just because I was very curious about it. I so wish I had had this class in amerika. I don't care if it makes me get out two class periods later on mondays, and that its the only class i don't have with my friends (because, unlike me, they are religious.) I wish I had it everyday instead of once a week. And most of all, I wish I understood it all. 

Ta ta for now,

La CanciĆ³n: Autobahn by Ohrbooten. Its basically reggae in german. 


Alison said...

ahh, i wish i had your class tooo.
that story was actually quite interesting, but i think it may be too hard for some people here in newport to comprehend ;)

miss youuuu!